August 15, 2021

501st New England GarrisonGoffstown, NH. Glennie, captured by a bounty hunter and frozen in carbonite, has been rescued from Jabba’s lair! The slab of carbonite containing Glennie was reclaimed and transported to Glen Lake by the 501st New England Garrison ( Once back at the lake, elite swimmers harnessed power from Goffstown’s Eversource substation to flash thaw the carbonite, releasing the serpent back into the waters.

Glennie is the name that the locals have given to a creature that is formally classified as Plesiosaurus lochglenicus. Glennie went missing earlier in the year and the Glen Lake Swimmers feared the worst, until it came to light that a bounty hunter was seen lurking around the shores. It was soon discovered that the creature had been frozen in carbonite and transported to Tatooine. The 501st New England Garrison was enlisted to assist in the recovery of Glennie. Fortunately, the freezing process does not seem to have harmed the creature. The Glen Lake Swimmers and all the residents of Goffstown are grateful that Glennie has been released unharmed back into the waters of Glen Lake.